“NOBSCUM CRESITE” - Grow with us!

Computer Training

Registered with ISETT-SETA
Account Number 01 00 930

End User Computing Certificate
Introduction to Computers

Core Courses
MS Office
Windows XP
MS Word
MS Excel
MS Powerpoint
MS Outlook (E-Mail )
MS Access
Internet Explorer

Duration:6 months

TOTAL FEES: R3600.00 Monthly:R600:00

Fundamental Courses

Business Calculations
HIV/AIDS in a Work place
Number Bases and Measurement Units
Shape and Motion
Investigate & Monitor Financial Aspects
Data and Probabilities

Duration:3 months

TOTAL FEES: R1500.00 Monthly:R500:00

Elective Courses

Computer Networks
Computer Architecture
Environmental and Safety Issues
Investiga the Use of Computer Technology
Maintenance of Office Equipment

Duration:3 months

TOTAL FEES: R1500.00 Monthly:R500:00

These Unit Standards will be divided into the following trimesters:

First Trimester : 30 January 2012 to 26 March 2012
Second Trimester : 12 April 2012 to 11 June 2012
Third Trimester : 29 June 2012 to December 2012


1. The 2012 prospectus outlining all details will be sent to you with your registration fee receipt.
2. Regrettably we are unable to enrol disabled persons.
3. Monthly fees must be paid on or before the 4th of every month.
4. Postal Address : P.O. Box 77139 Mamelodi 0101
5. Deposit your monthly fees through the colleges bank account.
6. Banking Details are available on the Registration & Administration Page.


Registered with ISETT-SETA Accont Number : 01 00 930

Banking Details

Lompec Computer Training
Account Name : Lompec College
Name of Bank : Standard Bank
Account No : 012386901
Branch Name : Silverton
Branch Code : 0105 45


Courses are to be paid in full before you are awarded a certificate/statement of result. Courses are conducted on Saturdays for a period of 4 weeks (1 month). Classes commence at 08h00 and ends at 12h00 every Saturday.